Increasing Our Social Support, Hitting Our Goals

Making a change in your life can be fun! At Lifestyle Health and Wellness, we offer support to let you know you’re not alone. Feeling supported can increase self-esteem, abilities to cope with tougher situations, lower blood pressure, and keep you on track for your health goals. We understand that changing your lifestyle to align with your health goals can be tough. That’s why we’re here.

With the New Year just around the corner, I challenge you to use us as a resource in helping you and others like you accomplish your health and wellness goals together. We want you to feel supported while achieving those goals.
What to look for in social support:
🤗 Positivity- people can force beliefs and ideas, make sure they align with your end goal
🤗 Someone going through the same program, workout, diet, etc. sas you
🤗 Motivates you in the day today
🤗 Keeps you on track
🤗 Supports rather than judges
🤗 Reduces rather than add to your stress
🤗 Allows you to feel accepted, understood, supported, and energized
Tips on increasing your social support:
👯 Reach out to a friend (or 5!) and let them know what you are doing
👯 Reach out to someone you know on social media who might also be looking for an accountability partner (doesn’t hurt to ask)
👯 Find a FB community that is positive and beneficial to your health (join us on FB)
👯‍♂️ Seek out a counselor
👯‍♂️ Join a group program (did you know we have different programs?)
👯 Volunteer (I’ve met a lot of people this way)
👯‍♂️ Join a fitness class (shout out @soulrevolutiondbq)
Ideas on ways to ask:
🤗 Get a cup of coffee
🤗 Call a friend or family member (text if that’s more in your relationship)
🤗 Grab lunch or dinner (maybe over FaceTime)
🤗 Do something new- attend a class, go on a walk, go on a hike
🤗 Ask for help if you need it

A challenge for you:
1. Write or think about 3 people in your social circle.
—if you don’t have three, do this for someone you want in your circle/ support group
2. List out what they provide you with (positivity, support, fun, etc)
3. List what you provide them with
4. When was the last time you reached out to them?
5. Reach out to them today! 👯‍♂️ (or find that person!)


In good health,

Krista & LSHW Team


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