Using Muscle Testing as a Tool to Better Health Management

The fundamental principle of muscle testing is simple:

Strong muscles indicate balance and health, while weak muscles may indicate imbalances, stress, or dysfunction within the body.

This information can be used to identify and address issues related to nutrition, allergies, emotional well-being, and much more.

Our bodies are constantly communicating with us, sending out signals all day long. These signals can indicate an array of emotions and physical states, such as feeling hot, cold, tired, stressed, happy, or sad. Just like our reflexes swiftly pulling our hand away from a hot stove, our bodies are wired to protect our lives and well-being. These automatic responses occur rapidly, more often then not before we consciously comprehend the situation.

Consider, for example, being outside without clothes in 30-degree weather. Initially, our body begins to shiver, a clear signal that the cold is too intense. Ignoring these signals and remaining in the cold could escalate to frostbite, and further to hypothermia. Notice how our body doesn't jump directly to hypothermia. Instead, it sends us preliminary signals to maintain balance or homeostasis within the body. Thus, by listening to these signals, we can unlock the secrets of our body's needs.

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and constantly communicate with us in various ways. From physical sensations to emotional cues, our body sends signals about its needs. One powerful tool that can help us decipher these messages is muscle testing. By understanding how muscle testing works, we can tap into a deeper level of self-awareness and gain insights into our overall health and wellness.

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing is a technique used to assess the strength or weakness of muscles in response to certain stimuli. It is based on the principle that strong muscles indicate balance and vitality, while weak muscles may suggest underlying imbalances or stress within the body.

How does Muscle Testing Work?

Muscle testing involves applying gentle pressure to specific muscles while simultaneously asking questions or introducing various substances or stimuli. The response of the muscle provides valuable information about the body's energetic state. With this information, we can help identify potential issues, root causes, and warning signs within the body.

  • The Role of Energy Flow

    At the core of muscle testing lies the concept of energy flow within our bodies. According to holistic healing practices such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy, or chi, flows through meridians or pathways in our body. When there is an imbalance or disturbance in this energy flow, it can manifest as weakness in certain muscles during muscle testing.

  • A Window into Subconscious Communication

    One fascinating aspect of muscle testing is its ability to tap into our subconscious mind. Our conscious mind may not always be aware of certain imbalances or stresses within our body, but our subconscious mind holds a wealth of information. Through muscle testing, we can access this hidden knowledge and gain insight into areas that need attention for optimal well-being.

Practical Applications of Muscle Testing

Muscle testing has a wide range of applications and can be utilized in various aspects of life. Here are some areas where muscle testing can be particularly helpful:

  • Problems and Nutritional Assessment

    By using muscle testing, we can determine which problems (candida, lyme, mold, glyphosate, foods and nutrients) are impacting our bodies the most. It helps identify any sensitivities, intolerances, or deficiencies that may be affecting our overall health.

  • Emotional Balance

    Our emotions play a significant role in our overall health and vitality. Muscle testing can help uncover emotional imbalances or unresolved issues that may be impacting our well-being. Through specific questioning techniques and observing muscle responses, we can gain insights into emotional patterns and work towards achieving greater emotional balance.

  • Energy Healing Modalities

    Muscle testing is widely used in various energy healing modalities such as kinesiology, acupuncture, NRT and Reiki. Practitioners utilize muscle testing to assess energetic blockages, identify appropriate treatment plans, and track progress during sessions. It serves as a valuable tool for both practitioners and clients in understanding the energetic dynamics of the body.

  • Self-Reflection and Intuition Development

    Muscle testing also serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection and intuition development. By using muscle testing techniques on ourselves, we can tap into our innate wisdom and access answers from within. It enhances our ability to trust our intuition and make decisions aligned with our highest good.

Empowering Your Health Journey with Muscle Testing

Muscle testing provides a unique perspective on our body's signals and opens up new avenues for self-exploration and healing. Whether you're seeking answers about your physical health, emotional well-being, or simply want to deepen your connection with yourself, muscle testing can be a valuable tool on your health journey.


Incorporating muscle testing into your holistic wellness toolkit can unlock a deeper understanding of your body's needs and help you navigate towards optimal health. By embracing this technique, you empower yourself to listen to the subtle signals your body sends and make informed choices that support your overall well-being. Remember, our bodies are constantly communicating with us; it's up to us to tune in and listen.

Muscle Testing now available for scheduling at Lifestyle Health and Wellness.

We are thrilled to announce that we have enriched our approach to new patient assessments by adding muscle testing to our evaluation process. Recognizing the comprehensive value muscle testing offers to holistic wellness, we believe this addition will enhance our ability to understand your body's needs more deeply. If you are intrigued by this method and its potential to empower your health journey, we encourage you to schedule your appointment today. We look forward to exploring this exciting modality with you and guiding you towards optimal health.

In good health,

Dr. Krista, DNP, ARNP, FNP-C


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